Elana Gomel

Nata in Ucraina e attualmente residente in California, Elana Gomel è un’accademica, una scrittrice pluripremiata e una nomade professionista. È nota in ambito accademico per il suo lavoro sulla narrativa speculativa e sulla teoria narrativa. Tra i suoi libri accademici ricordiamo Narrative Space and Time: Representing Impossible Topologies in Literature (Routledge 2014), Science Fiction, Alien Encounters, and the Ethics of Posthumanism: Beyond the Golden Rule (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2014) e The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy, coedito con Danielle Gurevitch (2023). Dodici anni fa ha pubblicato il suo primo romanzo fantasy e non è più tornata indietro. È autrice di centocinquanta racconti pubblicati, due raccolte, diverse novelle e otto romanzi. Scrive dark fantasy, dark SF, fiabe e storie oniriche difficili da classificare. I suoi ultimi romanzi sono Nightwood, una fiaba sul matrimonio e sui mostri (medaglia d’argento al concorso Bookfest 2023) e Nine Levels, un fantasy mitologico. La si può trovare su https://www.citiesoflightanddarkness.com/ e sui social media.

Born in Ukraine and currently residing in California, Elana Gomel is an academic, an award-winning writer, and a professional nomad. She is well-known in the academy for her work on speculative fiction and narrative theory. Among her academic books are Narrative Space and Time: Representing Impossible Topologies in Literature (Routledge 2014), Science Fiction, Alien Encounters, and the Ethics of Posthumanism: Beyond the Golden Rule (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2014) and The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy, co-edited with Danielle Gurevitch (2023). Twelve years ago, she published her first fantasy novel and has never looked back. She is the author of a hundred and fifty published short stories, two collections, several novellas, and eight novels. She writes dark fantasy, dark SF, fairy tales, and hard-to-classify dreamlike stories. Her latest novels are Nightwood, a fairy tale about marriage and monsters (Silver Award in the Bookfest 2023 contest) and Nine Levels, a mythological fantasy. She can be found at https://www.citiesoflightanddarkness.com/ and on social media.

Per Ringworld sci-fi&fantasy ha pubblicato