Love is stronger than Time: An Anthology of sci-fi short stories about Love through Time chosen by Maria Grazia Beltrami – ebook


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Fourteen visionary stories from every corner of the world. Fourteen tales of the purest science fiction, original works from the pens of the genre’s most influential indie authors. All stories in which Time doesn’t rule: its grip on humanity unhinged by Love, which is the true, only force that drives the world forward.

by Alethea KontisCan Yiğit TunçmanDimitra NikolaidouDimitris John RaptisElana GomelFranco VeroneseHephaestion ChristopoulosJen MinkmanKatja RoeseNate RagoliaNinot AzizRomain DelplancqStefano MeglioraldiVictor Pseftakis

Editing Maria Grazia Beltrami

Fourteen visionary stories from every corner of the world, to examine in depth a subject underlying any literary work: the relationship between love and time.
Fourteen tales of the purest science fiction, original works from the pens of the genre’s most influential indie authors, that speak of dreams and fears, ranging from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, that look to the heavens as to the depths of the Earth, but are, all of them, stories in which Time doesn’t rule: its grip on humanity unhinged by Love, which is the true, only force that moves the world forward, as Dante Alighieri already suggested in the very last verse of his Divina Commedia.
The future in which these stories are set is almost always dystopian, and is rooted in the perversions of the present: climate change, ecological catastrophes, political upheavals and the rarefaction of human relationships, to name but a few examples. However, somehow Love does not abandon human beings, it becomes multifaceted to accommodate new ways of living, but it never gives up being a driving force and hope for renewal.

Also available in hard copy

Also available in Italian

Informazioni aggiuntive


Alethea Kontis – Can Yiğit Tunçman – Dimitra Nikolaidou – Dimitris John Raptis – Elana Gomel – Franco Veronese – Hephaestion Christopoulos – Jen Minkman – Katja Roese – Nate Ragolia – Ninot Aziz – Romain Delplancq – Stefano Meglioraldi – Victor Pseftakis. Editing e traduzione Maria Grazia Beltrami






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